

12/11/2012 12:01

BookOfLife is undeniably a reality that bounced on earth as it is in Heaven.  With the advantage of Information Technolgical progress: singularisation of the entity of Telecommunication (TELCOM) composite of INFOSCRIN-MEDIA; RADIO-TELEVISION; PUBLICATION; MOUTH2MOUTH will be the pinnacle of civilisation. Once, these four sectors of communication be synchronised and integrated into unity under one powerful mainframe of storage system, humanity will speed up all aspects of life.  The rate of dessemination and recollection of information for effective and efficient interactive dialogue between humanity shall be hasten and economical.  The season of full liberty, democracy, social justice and transparency for living governance shall be greatly enhanced.  The level of Truthfulness, Honesty and Sincerity can be easily authenticated and verified in split seconds.  The Onlinelog of each individual officially sustained by local governmental/private Identity Document Infosite comprises of Employer's Joblogs and Personalog will be Vital E-profile personifies the individual.  The handheld mobiles will eventually become the "LifeLog" device records, reports and registers both an individual onlinelog and offlinelog activities.  Could Human Rights and liberty be guarded to such an extend whereby Freedom and Civil Rights be infringed?  We pray, this will not happen for wrong reason.

We, is most concern with the current ultilization of  TELCOM-DIGITAL CASH Revolution is infact a Green Agenda. Helping the entire humanity to excell in maximum optimization of the ultilities in Humanistic Actualization that create Online Tycoons under our Global Agency Recruitment Campaign.  The most immediate impact of this development will be "Thumb Up" for Green Eco Movement: Cashless Currency; Paperless Newsprints and Books; and Woodless Globe.  All the trees, forests and jungle will be preserved for keeping the global warming to zero defect from "Green House" effect.  Digital Cash, Digital News, E-Library and wood fibres will be recycled for buildings and furniture; further fermentation process for organic compounds for fuels, plastic and pharma materials. in a big major way of expediting the development of TELCOM Industry is to save the EARTH from great disasters before too late.  Hello, we are doing all these is to save our children's children's grandchildren.  Do drop by and contribute your Love, Hope and Faith in the existence of subscribing to our Newsletters, Blog, Commentaries and even Donate to our course of action. Be with Us at    Thank God for You.

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11/11/2012 15:18

The entire Human Relationship globally has been compressed; drawn closer and shorten distance by leap and bounce. Face2Face multi seminar conversation can be done currently ontimeline from any part of the world at fraction of cost.  Storage of immense capacity of database of facts and information in print, audio-video and variable forms that can be transmitted to any distination at the speed of light with accuracy within remarkable economy.  The recollection and reaching out to and fro dynamics of contents of information between parties have been hasten with intense capability.  All these availabilty, been made possible and accessible in the last 100 years of Telecommunication Development of Information Technology that provided us with following stages of global implementation: for benovalent of Mankind.

Stage One: Physical Infra Structures of Hardwares; Telecom e.g. AT&T etc.

Stage Two: Intelligent Framework of Softwares; IBM, Microsoft; Linux; etc.

Stage Three: Global Webnets' Hard-Softwares Marketing Initiative;

Stage Four: Globalised Online Application Educational Programs;

Stage Five: Optimized Ultilization of Infoscrin-Media; E-Commerce;

Stage Six: Enhancement of Societal Relationship Globally;

Stage Seven: Achievement of Actualization of Humanity via Information Technology.

All the time, human, financial and commercial resources invested into the Information Technology would have been wasted unless a single global organisation to coordinate 7 Billions the roles beyond Internet Society and some losely international bodies to determine and justify the future. in awsome humility and trusting in the power beyond Yin/Yang making Online Tycoon; perhaps, best friend of Christ Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Nabi Mohammed, Confucian etc. Playing a critical, crucial and vital roles in coordinating global initiative as THE GLOBAL IT AGENCY (TGITAgency) in the development; progressive growth and fulfilment of maximum Human Potential in advancement of Information Technology.  welcome every gift, talent and willing heart to join us in every possible avenue of positive, constructive and progressive contribution.  Your participation is urgently welcome.

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10/11/2012 12:20

In business, profits proportional to risk.  Every business exposes to potential risk due to PEST factors; however, with proper risk management policies and strategies, danger can be brought to minimum.  Political, Economic, Societal and Technological (PEST) diversities and changes can cause variation and forced adjustment to amicably stabilise situation.  Similar environmental risks, may perhaps, influence Online Tycoon. In 2000, the experts speculated the rumorse of the digital system collapse due to 000 factors without any evidence and scientific basis. Many business were at the verge panic, hysterical and topsy turvy.  Billions even Trillion of withdrawal from financial instituition had almost caused entire collapse of the global banking system. Sad to see, the whole scenerio on the 1st Jan. 2001 did not even happen at all.  It was certainly a lies, concrookcheat and baseless prophecy made by people with wrong ulterior motive. 

Generally, the are four level of risks Online; Infrastructure collapses due to natural  or man made disasters; Software infringement due to decay of code; hecking and viral attack; Scamish, Spamish and Schematic Marketing Abuses in the application of Online platforms; and Failure of implementation of Ethical Laws and Regulatory Enforcement descipline. The old saying of wiseman " Trust not in your own understanding; in everyting supplicate in obedience to God for His glory"  A penal of experts in various capacity under the surveilance of professional bodies and authorities to oversight and observation of market watch to narrow down the possibility of fruad, foul play and unethical practices. is building a community of Online experts to be recruited into our global agency as whistle blowers; ensuring the Infoscrin-Media Industry is progressively developed into a tremendouse potential of bottomline with least and almost zero risk. In the absence of RISKS caused by human factors, Online Tycoon Builder like us can achieve success more readily and faster. 

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09/11/2012 14:32

The global confidence in transacting all private, personal and business deals Online is yet well germinated; though soil had been treated, fertilizer and sowing of seeds have been done for the last 40 years.  The Infoscrin-Media Markets and Plantations are ripening for Harvesting. Once, 5.5 Billion Mobiles rolled out with full Infoscrin-Media capability, the entire population on earth will be rushing into the ralm of Online hinterlands fantasia looking for all kinds of "Time Killiing" goldrush.  The intense development of ownership of mobiles, the colosal flow of virtual explosion of information flying across the space, and speed of light impacting humanity rubbing each other in spirits, souls and mind stirring up unimaginable dimensions of dealing and wheeling.  The FAST-LANES nature of humanity in robe, steal and kill nature. certainly, will result numerous ignition of cybernetic time boms in the circuits, cartels and underworld of ConCrookCheat communities.  The naive, simpleton and innocent, sheepish and gullible cousin of ape: Homo Sapien would easily fall short as victims of global Online culture shock.  The rampant lawlessness, ignorance and lacking of knowledge; would drain off bloody catastrophic amount of wealth transfer from consumers at large to global robinhoods in desguise.  Beyond the screen, global citizens being enticed, convinced, conversed with over claimed promises made so called guru, sifu and master caftman that void all authentical evaluation being certified by any legally recognised qualification and licensed as user friendly and secured products or services by any empowerd bodies of credible standing to justisfy the cognizance of the offer.  Million of victims who tried to be Online praying to be Tycoon but turned out to be preyed as cocoon.  Simply, newbies failed to differentiate, verify and distillate information as truth, fact and fallacy; wolf, goat and sheep look almost alike in the dark.  Majority hardly familiar themselve, where and who to turn to for Truthful, Honest and Sincere opinion, verdict and clarity for assisting them for vital decision.  Many buy into hype of hoaxs in the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as all the information has never or yet been verified, evaluated and authenticated by any registrar of quality control global bodies with legislative and executive power to check the ethical and regulatory aspect.  The global markets face vulnerable viral infestion of beasts in the cyberjungle.  These have infact retarded the growth of global Infoscrin-Media Industry by leap and bounce.  FAST-LANES kill the Online Tycoon, unless Ethical Laws and Regulatory Council be appropriately put in place under global initiative push forward by United Naton, every Country and all stakeholders in the Information Technology, the huge portion of earthlings would

chose to drag through life zero risk by staying offline, saved from being ConCrookCheated by any Webnet's Artist. 

First thing first, formation of IT ethical laws and regulatory council must be established to formulate rules of order and procedures to fence off any form of mild practice and unprofessional practices. is committed to explore with intense research and development in cybernetic rules of law and the progress of regulatory council globally to ensure the level playing field of Online Tycoon Building is conducive, systematically moderated with intense descipline and progressively landscaped into a dynamic, credible and honorable Industry.  You are welcome to help and contribute your talents and experience to shape the future this Million.Billion Trillion (MBT) Global Agency Infoscrin-Media Industry.

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08/11/2012 10:13

No man is an island.  No wealth, unless there is healthy human relationship. A beautifully built Infosite (Website) can be envisaged like a six stars super modern "SaqawebTel" erected in the mid of a virgin forest deep in Amazon with no road, no visitors and no link with the outside world.  In no time, this hotel would close down; so shall any Infosite end up like wise.  Logically, the local tribe ill effort "SaqamawebTel" least avenue to own a six star standard business; but only possibility with as owner behind such entreprise.  A global networks, multinationalinkage, governmental JV, corporates-MA, association stakeholdership and grass roots on the ground integration with infra structures be put in placed as a Global Infoscrin-Media Agency; like the hotel even in Amazon, our Infosite will be truely TOP-HITS world class resorts like our in Bentong, Malaysia.

We. professed and declared that Infoscrin-Media Agency; is a global family members of 7 billion holding each other hands circulating the surface of the earth without breaking up.  Every individual posses an Infosite Indentity Documents and owning numerous Infosites linking the entire humanity; ensuring nobody falls, abused or even being oppressed. We serves as chief and main coordinator globally to hold linking each other helping one another; simply we are brotherly agents to each other.  Ensuring everybody is living well toward quality life with Rest, Victory and Joy through the enhancement of Infoscrin-Media Industry.  We, are committed to build humanity who wish to endow themselve in  excelling themselve to be successful Online Tycoon via our Global Agency Support in training, counselling and interactive Infosites Motivation.  We, desired to be agent or super affiliates for good parties and at the same time recruit as many global agents as possible.  All are welcome to link with us as long as you are Truthful, Honest and Sincere always.  May the Lord Bless You. 

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07/11/2012 11:17

In the virtual Online World, registered Websites; legally hosted, securely and well managed virtual realties are growing exponentially.  However, among the billion webpages in the Websites, only less than a few thousands survived and made it to become ONLINE TYCOON and beyond.  Millions are born and abituarated daily.  Every Infosite (Website) personifies an individual, corporate and national entity with a vision and mission.  Each site begins with an idea, a person and group of characters to promote their purposeful objective for legitimate motivation and function.  The founder of  www. is on ground "Zero" obsolutely newbies; just 77 days with the Online. Though, at 55, his computer webnet knowledge is never excelled further Emailing; absolutely vacum.  He is learning by himself days by days; step by steps building up some Websites.  Being a 35 years self made, successful and accomplished corporate leader, he discovered the potential, opportunity and pot of gold found in the "Virtual Realties" ie INFOSITES ownership.  After attending Internet Intensive Income seminar on the 24th to 26th August, 2012; he has yet slowing down his pace digging the rock of prosperity, progress and powerful aspiration to be an INFOSITE DEVELOPER building Online Tycoon globally.  He is conducting a WEBSITE  tour with you on the herein "Homepage" Pls. Click on Homepage button then scroll down to an Article Title: "  "invites Infoscrin-Media Fraternity"  Therein, you shall see 115 TOP-HITS Global Infosites Realties that worth thousand of trillion on paper.  You may click on their hyperlink site address to pay each one a visit. 

After, Internet Income Intensive course, it was virtually 40days of wilderness of struggling, remorsefully regreted and demoralised apparently. Though, we might had almost suffocated with some sort of zig zag puzzel seem like partial truth, minor tricks and look like deception in Hilton Hotel; it was an eye openning moment, great treasure were found in the "Adata".  These young people seem to be on the FAST-LANES tried to take grandpa for a ride but not entirely hopeless; Their asking price for personal tuition was USD3,500/- per day per tutor; Their seemingly hellowing crocked mouth indeed had encouraged the founder of to initiate a DIY Online Tycoon Global Agency Communities to avoid kick bucket with Global ConCrookCheat Online Artists.  If and when the tuition were taken, USD269,500/- would had been spent just to learn some basics.  Would that guaranteed that has achieved what is of todate? Perhaps so, the value in the courses has to be surfaced gradually, slowly and be developed over time.  For such expenses, under 300 Infosites may possibily be constructed and be developed; in no time, some may even possibly be developed into close to b'coming like Facebook or even Youtube that could easily fetch USD50 Billion cash with right people, action and strategies under the right annoiting. Therefore, to start building Infosites, be cautious of the beasts in the Online Jungle, but by attending the right courses, learning under the truthful, honest and sincere mentors; results will be tremendouse.  Do not hasitate to call upon us at we may be more than willing to share some wisdom that will save you a lot of hassle and resources.   The real asset is learning from the real masters and building creditable Website affiliates; global association and lasting alliance in the Online Infoscrin-Media Industry that ensure growth, development and prosperity to humanity. encourages positive focus upon common, mutual and global interest of the next revolution in Information Technology.

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06/11/2012 18:45

After acquired understanding the basic function of Websites about IBM; Microsoft; Yahoo; Google; Youtube; Facebook; and Wikipedia etc.  One need to make our presence in the Infoscrin-Media ralm by setting up Emailing Address;eg. ;  Blog Address;

and Infosite Address:  or  Currently, All these portals are more than welcoming visitors screening their sites, that is the reason why most of them offer free email facilities; blogging, webpages and storage convenience.  All these free facilities that are yet been privately secure, indemnified and proivide full warranty of application avail to users.  One must be fully in understanding of term and condition before signing up.  There is no legal responsible of such portals protecting our personal, private and business interest as the global infra structure is seeking a redress in the resolve of problems sparking up.  Therefore, it is best to pay for custmised toilar made contractual services, failing which using unreliable facilities in making money online can be risky.  The background profile of who, what, why research must be carefully done before we jump into any serious online relationship.   

A business needs a company to do trading or offer service.  To be available, our exiistence online is setting up an Infosite own by us, or else we are none existence.  For one to set up an Infosite (website) a legal structure must be constructed accordingly:

a) A proper name must be acquired; b) A domain of the Name must be leased; c) Hosting service must be leased with a server company; d) An Infosite CMS agents must be leasted; e) sign up with Clickbank; f) Sign up with paypal linked with a Debit Card (Local Bank); g) Sign up an Email Address Account that is used and linked with item a to f.  With setting up of this  platform, then only we can consider having a ready monetizeable vehicle to do business online.  It is adviseable to look for Name Sites; Domain; Hosting and CMS websites to rent; lease or even buy their service under legal contract. offer to render such service for any newbies to establish Basic Platform known as Infosite online.  Just contact us at absolutely free of charge.  Hurry Up, without a site online, the dream of becoming an ONLINE TYCOON is NIL AND VOID.  

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05/11/2012 12:08

Humanity is least concern with FQA at all the Ws but only interested in the answer of HOW to become Online Tycoon. " How" itself can only get methodology: steps by steps process or procedure to be carried out to get from one stage to another but we must define questioning: WHAT is Online & Tycoon?  The Answer is be linked via Internet  (What) or website (What) in a computer (What); that can make money and become rich (Why).  This learning and earning process involved basic development of setting questions and answering all of them with research and development of getting all the knowledge, information and data concerning the topical issues: Using computer to be rich.  Just by FQA with "8WsHow on word like Internet, Website and Computer is the first step to make money online.  Let us begin with FQA in 8WsHow with word like "Internet".

1. What is Internet? A software system (What) that link all telephone lines with a electronic machine known as computer; 

2. Why is Internet used? People can communicate globally in audio/visual formatted documentation in speed, confidentiality and accuracy;

3. How is Internet operated? People imputing directive & commands with keyboard or mouse on the programmed software like Microsoft:Window to perform desirable functionality;

4. When Internet can be used? All the time, when the portal protocol has already been registered with local linked with international servers are established;

5. Where Internet can be used? Only place installed with Infrastructure of Telecommunication Hardwares linked onto individual computers;

6. Who can operate Internet?  Owner of the software licensee for Window and computers; with legitimate Individual Decumented Code and Pass Word that has been formatted;

7. Which Internet & Computer can be used? The online Protocols comply in the Internet with the computer that has been set up via basic formatting;

8. Whom Internet & Computer can be used? Registered Telephone line holder and registered computer owner comply with all online requirement.

9. Whose Internet & Computer can be used? Personal/Private Ownership; Rental or Lease usage in Cybercafe; Business Centre or Companies Online System; 

In the process of mastery of the basic subject matters, the FQA of Nine Warcraft Heroes (8WsHow) will be called upon on every word in Question shall obtain an Answer for clarity so that application of the mechinism of the TOOLS can be driven into a powerful cyclical; repetitive and fully automated money making machine; This is the First Step of self learning or induced learning by tutorial or systematic programms on sale in the Market one has to undergo before dreaming to be ONLINE survy first, let alone visualising castle in the air.  The best tip to ease all research and development is found in "Wikipedia" portal.  Practically, all the basic information about online are found here.  However, it is pertinent and needful to have basic application knowledge of "HOW" in the following "Sites" like  ;   ;   ;  ;  ;  ;  ;   and lastly and most importantly as the basic equipements one must have for a start.  Having stood up with these basic fundamentals as a newbies in the Online World with high competency and efficiency, then forgo milk start chewing on porridge, solid foods and cracking on bones of making money online just begin.  There are just ABC kindergarden stuff for Online Tycoon to leave the manger for riding on the high horses.  Remember,  ; your association with us is an assurance of flying on the TOP-HITS turf and smooth journey to the pinnacle of success in the making of Online Tycoon.  Otherwise, you must be a Tycoon first from elsewhere, hire, employ and outsource all your works to be done to others to run all your online business. Nevertheless, you still need to know the basic to grow and expand, depending on others can be risky and costly.  Subtance to chew, ponder and digest for livelihood.

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04/11/2012 20:11

The Art and Science of Learning must be acquired as early as possible.  Many self made successful personalities in the world discovered a standard pattern of learning; acquiring knowledge; and formulating constructive methodology in life, achieve extra ordinary and outstanding undertakings.  They ingrined their life long learning into specific pact of Knowledge; Attitude; Skill and Habits (KASH) by incorporating powerful Frequent Questioning and Answering (FQA) process with every issues; agenda; matter and element pertaining in life.  They adopted the NINE WARCRAFT HEROES as their armour of spiritual; soulish and mental cyclical gymnastic fundamental quest in Research and Development for Information; Database; Knowlege and Truth.  These FQA Warcraft Heroes are namely: WHAT: WHY: HOW: WHERE; WHEN; WHO; WHICH; WHOSE; and WHOM as filteration for FQA.  These corelationship integration of substantiation of fact, data, and information is the BASIC Structure of incorporation of all cognizance of circumstantial position, condition, location and destination of every word, issues of topics and panaromic of life itself empower one with custodian knowledge to be in control position for all thought, decision and state of mind.  Without such upper hand understanding of Learning, one would fail to be a Warcraft Heroes less than to dream to be an ONLINE TYCOON.     

With one can be a self made ONLINE TYCOON.  We will teach and guide you step by step helping you to deduce, seduce, reduce, induce, subdue, educe, produce and conduce with or against the Nine Warcraft Heroes under analogue of TOPICS for Learning and Earning.  Let us start by produce a TOPIC and Questioning by Ask, Seek and Knock at WHAT is Microsoft? By Answering this, let us start flipping through wikipedia; walk into Microsoft sites; seduce ourself to induce oneself to library of Books; educe ourself with information about the topics. From such R & D one can induce, produce the information as reporting papers so as to conduce with others. Just by cyclical repeatition of grinding through a TOPIC like "Microsoft" with WHY, HOW, WHERE, WHEN, WHO, WHICH, WHOSE and WHOM.  The dept of study will determine the practical and pragmatic needs of oneself to specialise to become any level of Mastery of the subject ONLINE TYCOON.  Welcome to we conduct ABC Basics of Online TYCOON. 

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03/11/2012 11:57

The Higher Super Power innated Mankind with Spirit, Soul and Mind (SSM).  These are Electricity:Software: Hardware (ESH) in Trinity of Grand Masters of Self help in Action Learning (8W.HOW) Module. The Spirituality is powerful emision of auric energy through respiratory process of breaking down foods, water and oxygen etc.  The atomic fission/fusion of nutrients produce heat, electricity; potential and kinetic energy for activism of a living being. The Soul is the programmed DNA/RNA of Software that structural configuration of impulses of code for Emotional Quotient; Intelligent Quotient and Spiritual Qoutient integration that composed thought, feeling and experiental memory.  The mind is the "Intel" central procession unit of the of the Information Data Processors (Digital Memory) known as Computor.

The Almighty has put implaced Consciousness and Subconsciousness (GODLIKENESS) holy spirit in our SSM in perfect harmony with TOP-HITS; capable of decerning right from wrong by logic reasoning and rationalization.  The perfect harmony of SSM driven by (ESH) intreactive sparing of oneself with the Grand Master of Self help NINE WARCRAFT HEROES as tutorial partners that exercise, stimulate and educate oneself by self imposed Questioning and Answering evaluation progressive Research and Development of Organised Information that sequentially provoke self SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION (SEO) with integral of asking WHAT that induces Recollection of Facts, Data and Experiential Memory as Answer; The SEO procedure educes reflective processing by asking integral WHY of the Imformation with reasoning, rationalization and evalution for Cognizance of position of the circumstantial position of matter of issues of  that stimulate answering with the causes and effect of Action and Reaction: Balance of Yin/Yang of matter of issue.  With organised Data, Information of Truth and Strategic Scientisfic Evaluation; SWOT Analysis to study the Pros and Cons of the actuality in Problematic Crisis with documented evidence as an Answer to substantiate claims for insitu position.  Once, the acceptable records of Evidential Facts; group or community Brain Storming seasons will be held to stir for proconstructive methodology, provocative procedures, unconventional process to be validified with integral Question of HOW and by declaration, commentation and critical distillation of option or alternative as Answers to resolve; improvise, avercome and accomplish a set of specific aims, goals, objective, vision and mission.  The identification of Resolutional mechanism be thoroughly varified, justified and deligently quantified and qualified.

Upon entire clear picture position in hand; Implementation and Execution Strategies shall invoke Asking, Seeking and Knocking at enomerous Windows or Doors of Information with Questioning: WHEN; WHERE;WHO; WHICH; WHOSE AND WHOM to initiate appropriate ACTION PLAN as a committed;

conserted and lazer targetted effort with focused resources; expertise, know how and  technicality to fulfill the projected, forcasted and anticipated Results.

However, multiple contingency optional and alternative action plans are ready in hand to counter any emergency and unexpected variable changes may occurred. 

Under all Online Tycoons in the making have to be properly grounded with exercises of NINE WARCRAFT HEROES under stringent

commandor traning fightings with SSM and ESH.  The whole militant training of this nature; prepared anybody to meet all contigency, crisis and warpath

situations and turn out be a real patriotic victorious army in the Online Battle Fields.  The process takes time, effort and resources to transform any individual to be a truthful, honest and sincere Warcraft warrior that a ONLINE INFOSCRIN-MEDIA TYCOONS be proud of.  The Journey is a marathon never a short distance dash. is determined to be the foremost Online Tycoons Builder for Global Agency growth and development.  That is a blessing to Humanity and the world.  Just call on us at and subscribe with us at our guestbook.  

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