24/11/2012 14:07

As a newbies at 55, starting a fresh in the Online Infoscrin-Media Industry is really not easy.  After 95 days Online and 47days setting up two Infosites and with CMS WEBNODE to substitute the damage in two previous sites as blog and website as with CMS WORDPRESS.  Though, physically, attended Internet Intensive Income course which was merely a bait to step into Internet virtual world which is actually a crude, cruel and obscured space of unknown deserts; jungles and oceans.  After more than 86 days, dispite of numerous request of written appeal to Wordpress; and remain suspended and archived for undisclosed reason.  Both of these sites, domain names were purchased at Namecheap and Hosted at Hastgator as introduced by the trainer, money and time were wasted being buried in Wordpress acting as graveyard of websites.  After all these 100 days, bitter lesson have been learnt whereby mistakes were made for being smarter, wiser and more deligent in future.  Conclusively, spending time, money and resources attending courses under experts or gurus, sound great but watch out the risks.  How on earth can one get experts, gurus and professional who are Truthful, Honest, and Sincere to teach, coach and guide not just for ConCrookCheat purposes?  It is almost IMPOSSIBLE, but we pray, think, plan and act otherwise. At  we are  dedicated; committed and put down our lives to serve Humanity at large to learn and earn together becoming Online Tycoons steps by steps in the organic and holistic methods.  After investing 100 X 18hours daily in research and development ;  the founder is fully convinced and confident that Infoscrin Media Industry is the "Biggest" Industry surpassing any other commercial business ever known to mankind.  

Retrospectively, on reflection, believe that when anybody wishes to enter into Online Infoscrin-Media Industry; one must begin as part-time basis, simply because, the initial 24 months may just be learning trail and error curvy period zero income moments.  However, during these period of time, one must be familiar with the following: Global Telecommunication of Infra Structures; The complete basic knowledge of Computer Hardwares and Softwares operability; The mastery usage of Microsoft's window; Excellent familiarity with Google; Facebook; Youtube; Yahoo; Twitter; Linkedin; Wordpress and basic Internet Marketing Networks etc.  Therefore, it is pertinent to obtain a basis academic educational programs before stepping into the virtual world as employee.  With such fundamental and basis, life will not be so tedious and oppressive.  After and during the three or five years of employment; part-time, entreprenuership of extending onself into the arena of Online on free time basis and building up sources of income virtually as second passive income.   Once, the momentum; credibility of self confidence and earning power is assured: Launch into full swing professional Online Tycoons status would be most ideal.

However, apologetically, not everybody has the fortune to be so ideally blended; jumping into an unknown field so sudden and blindly.  Under various circumstances, many are forced and compelled to take a risk as last straw; live or die at the edge of the hills, giving oneself to Online b'zness as a final trial. we have taken initiative to familiarise ourselve; equipped and affiliate with the pinnacle of all top guns and captains globally in the Infoscrin Media Industry to be enlightened with the most advance Information, Technological Knowledge, Systems and Business Marketing Strategies not only build our own reputation as BEST ONLINE TYCOON BUILDERS but we must excell in exemplary as Global Agency Infoscrin-Media Leaders.  Our immediate Action Plan is putting and  fully opened for global launch on the 1st of January, 2013.  Amen.