28/11/2012 22:37

INTHENET freeOpen for all?  Seven billion of Netizens, more than 99.90% percent are infantile newbies in the Virtual World of Obscurity, Unknown and

Cybermythology. Ideally, Cyberrevolution is a great step forward for humanity. 0.10% of populace in world propagate the innovative, scientific, technological; macrohardwares and microsoftwares that have achieved tremendouse progress in the speed of light.  Unfortunately, 0.20% of global citizens who are capitalists  attempting to conquer the world market of 99.60% who are gulliable, simpleton, presumptious and innocent consumers.  Under such a fragile, imbalanced and unpreparedness environment;  The uprising unqualified, discredited and cartel peddlers of various software programs; contents; cybergames; pornographics; and ocean volume of products and services flooded the Virtual FreeOpen spaces with little control; censorship and rampant piracy.  Billions of people would be victimised as preys in billion of dollars by CyberConCrookCheat cultural scams and spams freely and openly in daylight robbery.  In the name of Human Rights and Democracy, the capitalistic Cybermafia are taking full advantage of closed two eyes and play don't know Rich and Powerful schematics in the high places.  The prevalent existence of a few monopolistic Cyberfuedal Lords of the Virtual Space setting the tunes, lyrics and musics shaping the landscape of the Infoscrin-Media Industry.  How can Democracy and FreeOpen system be widely exclusive preserved and exposed to previlage few who are dictatorial tyranic gangsters.  How would the world differentiate the "Goats" and "Sheeps" or even "Wolfs" in the virtual jungles?  There is no Traffic Highway Codes provided for Cybersurfers' safety; neither any clinics or hospitals for Cybertraumatic Accidental Crisis Centres for preventive; preservative and supportive structures for Victims.  The physical world is pathetically not ready; mental world is far from even prepared to face the spirtual onslaught of the impact and the effect of Cybergedon.  Humanity would realise the after effect a decade from now. Simply, the Infoscrin-Media Industry is indeed at the cross road of chicken and egg situation whereby, as if the egg is being griped in the palm: holding too hard it crashes; holding too soft it falls.  So shall the Global InTheNet Corporation; Democracy with FreeOpen is unavoidably exposed to abuses, corruption and destruction; Iron Fist Control would stagnate growth and turning the Virtual World into unseen cementary. A balance of constructive moderation global bodies must be formulated to steer the growth with care. opinionates that the InTheNet is a neutral tools; its future depending on the roles and responsibility of Humanity.  The optional choice and urge for the civilisation is deeply embeded in the soulish part of mankind. shall play a Global Agency Activisism to wake up the innocents from trapping themselve into Cybercoffin and be transformed into successful Online Tycoons as the Best Builder.  Call on us at  for further details.


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